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Modelling Agencies London UK



Ideally, the client will contact the modelling agency with their requirements, the agency will select the best model for the job, and that’s that. Unfortunately, it’s rarely as simple as that. There can be many stages involved in selecting a model for a job, and a model has to be responsive and prepared at each stage to avoid missing out.

The Go See or Casting

This is the first stage of potentially getting a modelling job. It’s critical to respond to the casting call as quickly as possible, because jobs are sometimes cast within hours, and the client may simply select the first model to respond.
Before you respond, you probably want to find out if you even want the job – this may seem like a no brainer, but its worth double checking when and where the shoot is, how much it pays and what the requirements are. You may discover it clashes with another job, or that the pay is simply too low to make it worthwhile.
However, if you decide you do want to attend the casting and try to win the job you’ll need to find out how you should be dressed, who you need to talk to, and how best to approach it. Keep in mind that your agent may to have time to have a long discussion with you about it, but they should be keen to give you the best information to give you a good chance of getting the job.
You should check and adjust your portfolio to match the job, making sure there are examples of the kind of thing they want – i.e. sporty of businesslike or 

Being shortlisted

Remember that far more models go to castings than are needed for actual shoots, so don’t be disheartened if they say ‘don’t call us, we’ll call you’ and you never hear from them again. That’s the nature of the business.
However, hopefully sometimes you will be shortlisted, or put on ‘hold’ or ‘option’. This is good news, as it means the client liked you, but it doesn’t mean that the job is secured.
At this point there are three things that may happen. They may still decide against you, they may ask you for a callback, or they may book you.
If you are on hold, it means that you should keep that time of the shoot available for the client, until they decide either way if they’d like to use you or not. If they haven’t decided and you get a call from a different client offering a job or casting, then your agent should contact the first client to ask them to make a decision and either release the ‘hold’ or confirm the booking.
If the client decides they want to book you, it’s time to celebrate! Once you accept, you are both obligated to the job and cancellation fees will apply if it doesn’t go ahead.

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Which are the best cities to be a model? First Step Modelling does a virtual tour of the fashion capitals of the world…

As with many things, location is a key factor in the success or failure of a model. Proximity to jobs means you can get there faster and cheaper, and in the fast moving fashion industry, quick turnaround is often a deal breaker. As a general rule, big cities offer many more opportunities than smaller places, as the clients and agencies are concentrated there.
There are four major fashion capitals in the world: London, New York, Milan, Paris. First Step Modelling explains what each of them is about.

A major centre for fashion and modelling – London

London has a long history as a trendsetter and leader in world fashions, and in recent years has been named as the number 1 fashion capital of the world thanks to the ascendency of Kate Middleton and the London Olympics. The vast majority of the international modelling agencies have their main UK offices in London and it is the base for hundreds of fashion photography studios and the supporting teams, including the best photographers for glossy magazines.
The major modelling agencies are mostly based in Central London, around South Kensington and Leicester Square.

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Modelling in New York

The only recognised fashion capital outside of Europe, New York is a metropolitan city that never sleeps and
is home to the cutting edge of innovation is style and culture. New York Fashion Week, branded Mercedes-Benz FashionWeek in 2009 is held in February and September every year – and was originally the first ever fashion ‘week’.

Opportunities for modelling in Milan

In 2009 Milan was declared the top economic and media capital of fashion. There are a great many world famous Italian fashion brands which have their main headquarters located in the city, including: Valentino, Gucci, Versace, Prada, Armani and Dolce & Gabbana. Milan Fashion Week is held twice a year and is one of the Holy Grails for catwalk models.

Becoming a Model in Paris

Paris has a long standing history as a centre of art and fashion and is home to several prestigious fashion houses. It is known for the classic timeless elegance of the designs that are born there. It has an up market high fashion shopping district where all the most exclusive labels can be found.

Modelling Agency Policies


Booking times must be specified by the client in advance, and if the shoot runs over, the model’s time will be charged for in 15 minute increments. Common sense is usually applied here, and when the model is filling out a form, if the booking only went over by a minute or two, it would be considered impolite to charge for another fifteen minute block.

Overtime Rates

Models usually get paid overtime (time and a half) on Saturdays or if bookings are for longer than eight consecutive hours. Overtime rates can also apply to Sundays and holidays, but are usually negotiated on a case by case basis. There are also special rates for underwear or nude work, but this is usually negotiated on a case by case basis.


If the booking is cancelled with more than 24 hours’ notice, then usually a cancelling fee will not apply. However, if it’s less than this the Modelling Agency may charge in full, unless the booking is rescheduled, in which case they may be more lenient.  Sometimes a ‘weather permit’ will be stated at the time of booking, and if the described type of weather is not occurring when the shoot is taking place, is can affect the cancellation rates.

Travel time and expenses

Will be negotiated for each job, but typically, for jobs within a certain radius, the client will not be responsibility for covering expenses or model’s travel time. However, if the shoot is outside that radius, they may need to pay the costs and in part or full for the model’s time.


As standard, a model may bring up to three outfits from their own clothing for commercial work, but the client will be expected to provide any specific clothing that is required. Naturally for fashion modelling, the client will provide the clothing!


Models are not the employees of the modelling agency, and work on a self-employed basis. As such they are responsible for their own tax arrangements.


Rights of usage of the photographs are limited to the specifics detailed in the model release document, and all other rights are reserved. If a modelling agency discovers a breach of these restrictions they may demand appropriate remuneration. Print rights are usually for one year, unless stated otherwise. The modelling agency also withholds usage rights until they have been paid in full by the client.

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First Step Modelling Top Modelling Tips

We are often asked what our top modelling tips for aspiring models are – so here are the First Step Modelling top #5 tips for new models:

Learn about the industry

Some people think that modelling will be an easy ride – you just stand around wearing fancy clothes all the time, right? Well, there’s no denying that modelling is more glamorous than packing shelves, and there can be good money to be made, and fun perks – but at the end of the day, it’s a job and a job can be hard work. You should be interested in fashion and the industry in general if it’s going to hold your interest.

Look after your body

Even the most beautiful person can ruin their chances if they constantly smoke and drink and basically ruin their skin and hair. Blotchy, grey skin and lank hair are not going to get you called to castings, so you need to eat a very healthy, balanced diet, drink plenty of water and don’t miss out on your beauty sleep.

Think about freelance or modelling agency work

Most people assume that signing with a modelling agency is the be all and end all of modelling, but actually don’t realise that signing with an agency doesn’t mean the agency employs you, or that you are guaranteed any kind of income. It simply means that the agency will help you try to find work, and then take a cut of any work you do get. However, if you want to do the networking and schmoozing yourself, you could be a freelance model, and keep all your earnings to yourself.

Look into the different types of modelling

There is more to modelling than catwalk modelling at Paris fashion week (though there’s no denying the appeal of that!). Far more models than you might think make their living by doing less high profile modelling, for catalogues or even TV adverts. Also worth considering are body part modelling, plus size modelling, alternative modelling, teen modelling… the list goes on…

Don’t expect overnight success

Famously – the Beatles were turned down by the first record agency they approached, and JK Rowling didn’t get a deal on the first try. So don’t give up if you don’t succeed at the first go. Approach several different agencies, in case you’re simply not the look they’re looking for at the time.

First Step Modelling can help launch your modelling career

First Step Modelling is a company that works with aspiring models, offering great opportunities to learn about the modelling industry, start building a portfolio and offering tons of great quality advice about the different types of modelling and how to approach modelling agencies.
If you ask any model who has been associated with First Step Modelling, they will tell you about how the service has helped launch their career, and prepared them for this tough industry.
First Step Modelling will never ask you for money up front in order to ‘put you on the books’ or find you modelling work. This is against the law, and a technique only practised by dodgy modelling agencies who never intend to get you any work.
First Step Modelling provides modelling support services, helping aspiring models get started.
The services First Step Modelling offers include expert advice, including what sort of modelling you might be suited to, experience of modelling shoots with a professional fashion team, the beginnings of your professional model portfolio and much more.
